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How to Submit a Workflow for DB Access Requests

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By requesting privileges for required DB connections, users can gain immediate access upon approval. Once access is granted, users can connect to the database through the QueryPie Web SQL Editor or Agent.

Submitting a DB Access Request

STEP 1 Access the DB Access Request page through the following paths:

  • Database > Top-left Button
  • Workflow > Submit Request > DB Access Reques

STEP 2 Select approval rules and assign approvers.

  • Approval Rule: Choose an approval rule from the list created by the administrator in General > Approval Rules.
    • Approval rules determine who must approve the request. If the rule specifies approvers, they will be automatically assigned.
  • Approver: Use the + button to add approvers at each stage of the approval workflow.
    • A single assignee can complete the approval request: Any one approver in a group can approve the request.
    • All assignees must approve this request: All assigned approvers must approve the request for it to proceed.

STEP 3 Select the DB connection and specify privileges.

  • Privilege Type: Choose the privilege type to request for the selected DB connection.
  • Current Privilege: Displays the user's current privileges for the connection (empty if no access exists).
  • Expiration Date: Shows the expiration date of any current privileges.

STEP 4 After entering all details, click the Submit button to send the request for approval.

  • Title: Provide a title for the request.
  • Expiration Date: Specify the expiration date for the requested privileges (default: 1 year).
  • Reason for Request: State the reason for requesting access.

Approving a Request

STEP 1 Assigned approvers can navigate to Workflow > Received Requests > To Do to view pending requests.

STEP 2 Open the details page for the request and click the Approve button to complete the approval process.

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