AI Data Discovery

AI(Artificial Intelligence)-based Data Discovery automatically identifies and classifies sensitive information, generating tags that can be applied for access control. It provides convenient visibility through the dashboard and inventory.

5 Key Features of AIDD

Sensitive Information Identification

Automatically detects sensitive information within the data source on a regular schedule or manually as needed.

Sensitive Information Classification

Automatically classifies and maps sensitive information by type, making it easy to identify related security compliance for sensitive information.

Automatic Tagging

Provides a basis for policy-based access control through automatic tagging of detected sensitive information.

Intelligent Data Search

Assists in more accurate detection through identifiers that understand the context for targets that are difficult to detect with regular expressions alone.


Provides a dashboard to easily understand the types and overall status of detected sensitive information.

How QueryPie AIDD Works

Performs scans on data sources through Discovery jobs created by the administrator, automatically identifying and tagging sensitive information. The administrator reviews and integrates the extracted results. These generated tags form the basis for access control policies. Insights into sensitive information are obtained through the dashboard and inventory.

Deeper Insights into Sensitive Information

AI understands the context of content within the data source and provides highly relevant results, significantly enhancing search efficiency. Gain visibility into automatically classified sensitive information easily through Inventory and Dashboard.

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