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QueryPie’s Stride & Sustainability by Converging Technology and Humanities

Authored by Jessica Kim

Have you heard of <The Hunger Games>? It’s a story set in extreme survival situations that explores human nature and authenticity, touching on themes essential to humanity. There are various interpretations and methods for survival, but when faced with hunger, people tend to confront their deepest truths and find solutions from the core of their being. In this context, QueryPie approaches the vast universe of cybersecurity, continuously exploring and solving it through technical solutions that resonate with what people and markets genuinely desire.

In the digital age, QueryPie faces the fundamental complexities of security, frequently encountering the core of this issue and seeking convenient, safe solutions. For security, people might endure hardship in the name of protection, but why does QueryPie voluntarily take on such difficult paths? The answer is simple. Only when security technology companies like QueryPie offer real convenience and stability to users can businesses and individuals be free from security concerns and pursue their value freely.

Does Security Have to Be Hard? Solving the Unsolvable Problems


In reality, there are countless ways to perfect security. The more complicated the process and management, the more likely it is to control vulnerabilities. Building firewalls, setting up endless network equipment, and dedicating resources to managing them have been the norm. High-security systems with technical and physical barriers often result in significant discomfort for those who operate and maintain them, placing humans at a disadvantage in comparison to technology. However, security technologies and infrastructure systems supporting active businesses become more valuable when they are stable and easy to use, which boosts a company's competitiveness.

Years ago, QueryPie shifted the focus of security to the cloud. The challenge of pursuing stability in the unstable, opaque cloud environment was gradually completed. Since then, its journey has been bolder. QueryPie expanded its scope by seamlessly managing security across cloud, on-premises, and even multi-cloud environments, providing audit and traceability solutions as one cohesive service. Not bad for a small startup headquartered in Seoul, not a giant global corporation.

For example, Korea boasts excellent IT technology, but in the B2B software market, it hasn’t shown significant results. On the other hand, the B2B SaaS market thrives when services are developed to cater to the culture and regulations of specific countries, making them globally applicable. QueryPie has transformed these unfamiliar barriers into opportunities, establishing its R&D HQ in Seoul and targeting the global cybersecurity market.

When QueryPie took on the challenge of Y Combinator in 2020 (YC Startup Directory-Security & QueryPie page), it might have been viewed as a bold move from a rookie startup. But they were the ones who knocked first. After all, even the heaviest doors only open when you knock. Today, QueryPie continues to make its presence known, sending fresh knocks on the global market’s door, beginning with Japan.

The market is constantly evolving, and what was once considered wrong yesterday can become right today. In this dynamic environment, QueryPie focuses on growth while staying true to human-centered values amidst rapid technological advancements. As such, we foster a flexible organizational culture, always ready to adapt and learn from our mistakes. Understanding what people truly want and finding ways to bring it to life is the core value that drives us. This commitment is a key element in ensuring sustainable growth for QueryPie.

QueryPie: A Technology Company Focused on People’s Hearts

This vision aligns with the philosophy of Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple ("Steve Jobs" by Walter Issacson, 2011). Through a humanistic approach to technology, Jobs promoted enjoyable experiences in how Apple connected with people. QueryPie, too, aims to harness the power to move people’s hearts by blending technology and the humanities.


As Jobs emphasized, technology can only move people’s hearts when it’s combined with the humanities. He said, "The combination of technology and the humanities makes our hearts sing," stressing the importance of human-centered technology development.

Ultimately, QueryPie helps people create a better world through technology, echoing the immense power that Jobs defined in technology for people. QueryPie never loses sight of human-centered values amid technological progress, striving for sustainable growth by reflecting the voices of customers and the market. This approach goes beyond being a business model, seeking social value and economic sustainability in a new corporate form where understanding what people want and realizing it becomes the central mission.

QueryPie is a technology company made up of people who strive to connect beyond just technology, building a future where we listen to people’s hearts. What will the future look like for a company focused on moving people’s hearts? It’s undoubtedly difficult to move hearts, but it’s the most valuable thing we can do. That’s why QueryPie continues to understand what people want and simplify complex security in an intuitive way. QueryPie will continue knocking on the door to the world now, tomorrow, and in the future.


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