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How to Connect to Kubernetes via the QueryPie Agent

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Installing the QueryPie Agent allows you to use third-party Kubernetes client tools such as kubectl, Lens, and k9s.

Downloading the QueryPie Agent

The QueryPie Agent supports Mac, Windows, and Linux operating systems.

STEP 1 After logging into QueryPie, click on your profile in the top right corner and select the Agent Download button.

STEP 2 Download the installation file suitable for your PC's operating system.

Running the Agent and Connecting to a Cluster

STEP 1 Enter the QueryPie URL in the QueryPie Host field and click Next.

STEP 2 Log in using your credentials in the browser window.

STEP 3 Once login is successful, return to the Agent app.

STEP 4 Check the list of accessible resources in the Agent app.

  • If you have multiple roles, select the desired role after logging into the Agent.
  • Click the magnifying glass icon next to each cluster to view detailed policy information applied to that cluster.

STEP 5 In the Agent settings, click the KubeConfig Path button and configure the Kubeconfig file path.

  • Path Configuration: The user can specify the file path where the Kubeconfig file will be saved.
  • The default path is $HOME/.kube/querypie-kubeconfig.

STEP 6 Copy the provided command line and execute it in your terminal to declare the KUBECONFIG environment variable.

  1. If this is the first time setting the KUBECONFIG environment variable, replace the default "${KUBECONFIG}" value with "${HOME}/.kube/config".
export KUBECONFIG="${HOME}/.kube/config:${HOME}/.kube/querypie-kubeconfig"
  1. If you’ve changed the custom Kubeconfig path provided by QueryPie, update the environment variable with the new path:
export KUBECONFIG="${KUBECONFIG}:<User-specified path>"
  1. Use Copy to copy the command line, declare it on your client, and switch the context to an accessible cluster:
export KUBECONFIG="${KUBECONFIG}:${HOME}/.kube/querypie-kubeconfig"

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